Author: Shannon Lowery

Which National Park Matches Your Zodiac Sign?

The position of the sun at the time of your birth is what constitutes your star sign, also called a sun or zodiac sign. Each astrological sign has its own chart, complete with symbols, colors, distinct personality traits and characteristics, and more. With a little of us in each and some that speak more distinctly to others, discover the enchanted landscapes that resonate with your celestial identity!

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State Parks with Everything National Parks Have

We get it. National Parks are the bucket list places. But sometimes, for one reason or another, visiting a national park just isn’t in the cards. You’re in luck. Across America, state parks offer the same incredible experiences. Often, state park property lines back right up to the most beloved national parks, meaning you’re literally visiting the same landscape for a fraction of the cost with fewer crowds. Many state parks also are easily accessible from metropolitan areas, and because there’s generally a lower demand to visit, you might not have to book your campsite reservation a year in advance. While this guide is categorized based on general points of interest, you’ll find many of the state parks suggested check multiple boxes!

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Redditor-Recommended Gay-Friendly Small Towns in America

Forget what you thought you knew about the rural United States. These small towns are the real deal small town America, with populations of less than 100,000, and are disrupting the notion that small communities mean small-minded. Plus, all of these charming towns are just a stone’s throw away from some of our favorite national parks, state parks, and outdoor adventure experiences.

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Must-Try Regional American Cuisine

Love it or hate it, American food is iconic. But what is American food beyond the standard burger and fries with a shake on the side? One of the best parts of being the world’s melting pot is that the United States’ culinary offerings are equally diverse and delicious. You’ll find startling differences and subtle nuances from region-to-region, so be sure to try everything along the way!

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Cross Country Train Trip: 7 National Parks from New York to Seattle

Have you ever wanted to explore national parks in the USA by train? If so, today’s your lucky day! Welcome to the first leg of our multi-part cross country train series. Read below for everything you need to know about train travel in America, including rail pass options, routes, stops nearest to national parks, and more. Be sure to check out the other itineraries in our cross country train travel series. Knock out each section one at a time or string them all together for an epic multi-week (or even month!) adventure exploring every corner of America by train.

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8 of the Most Scenic Train Rides in America

As a native of central Pennsylvania, I have been immersed in railroad culture as early as I can remember. Train whistles cried out at all hours and corner bars in the neighborhood near railroad repair shops were frequented by soot and oil-covered workers trudging in after shift was up. When I traveled to Europe, railroads took on a different role in my life, no longer the local industry barely keeping the town afloat but a reliable transit option allowing access to a world of adventure. The contrast is troubling, but the potential for rail travel in the United States is not lost. A resurgence of interest in scenic, leisurely travel in America makes trains more appealing than ever.

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5 Days in Superior, Arizona

Why stay longer? Simple: Because you can. Superior is perfectly equipped to accommodate a longer stay. Whether you have the freedom of a retired person or the flexibility of a remote worker, Superior is the perfect place to make your home away from home. With so much rich history and rugged landscape to explore, you’ll be glad you took the extra time to dive deep into all that Superior has to offer.

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