Travel Tips 

Outdoor Date Ideas

Dating can be scary, but it doesn't have to be! During these outdoor date ideas, you can enjoy nature while getting to know each other better. From basic outings to action-packed adventures, there's something on this list for every kind of couple.
Prepared By:

Shannon Lowery

Adventurer & Photographer

Love is in the *fresh* air with these fantastic outdoor date ideas! Fall head over heels with nature, and maybe each other, when you try one of these unexpected activities. Whether you’ve been with your partner for years or are just getting to know each other, don’t settle for the same old dinner-and-a-movie routine. Instead, commit to making new memories together with one of these lovely outings.


The only thing twinkling brighter than the night sky will be your date’s eyes when you take them on this classic, romantic date. Stargazing is a low-key outdoor date idea that delivers big time ambiance. Pack some snacks, pick a playlist, and tuck in for Mother Nature’s dazzling nightly display.

Stargazing is one of the best outdoor date ideas
horseback riding is a great outdoor date idea

Horseback Riding

Take your romance by the reins on an equestrian adventure! Horseback riding is a wonderful way to explore majestic landscapes and varied terrains in just about any season. Saunter along on a relaxed sunset trail ride or make it an all-day adventure covering miles of undisturbed scenery.

Urban Green Spaces

No national park nearby? No problem. Urban green spaces like city parks and botanical gardens offer the perfect escape from the hubbub of the city. National monuments, state parks and national forests are also great alternatives for outdoor date ideas.


The Desert Botanical Garden
Fireflies in a meadow

Wildlife Watching

The animal-lover in your life will appreciate the outdoor date idea of wildlife watching. Whether your region has flocks of migratory birds or pods of dolphins, spotting wildlife provides a common goal while you get to know your date better. For an extra-special date idea, plan around a specific event like the synchronous fireflies mating display in the the Great Smoky Mountains or the Pacific Gray Whale migration on the West Coast.

Anything Other Than a Hike

If you and your date both speak the love language of outdoor adventure, try an activity beyond your average hike. We’re not saying you need to go bungee jumping on your first date (unless you really want to!) but it might be fun to try something a bit more creative. Paddle boarding, ziplining, and sand boarding are all great outdoor sports to try. Even during the colder months, there are plenty of unique ways to get outside together, from dog sledding to ice skating.

Ziplining is one of the best outdoor idea ideas
Camping is a romantic date idea


Our final outdoor date idea comes with a caveat. Staying safe and comfortable while dating, especially anytime you meet someone new, should be your main priority. So, we wouldn’t put camping high on our list of best first-date ideas. Likewise, proceed with caution if you decide to plan a camping adventure with a relatively new apple of your eye. Camping isn’t for everyone and people have different ideas of what camping means. Have a chat about your trip expectations before you go. Camping can be a great bonding experience, especially for couples, but if you’re not ready to poop in the woods or rough it a bit with your partner, maybe hold off on this one.

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