3 Ways to Extend Your Alaska Adventure

Have you ever loved a trip so much that it was hard to pack up and leave? Well, maybe this time you can simply plan to stay a little bit longer! Whether you show up early or stay late, there are a plethora of things to do to fill your time in the Great Land of Alaska! Stay an extra day or an extra week and get an even deeper dive into what this amazing place has to offer.
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As amazing as a cruise along the coast of Alaska can be, sometimes you can miss the unique experiences happening on shore and inland. When planning your autumn Alaska cruise, consider adding some time on the front or back end for more exploration of the 49th state’s Interior. As the largest state in the US, Alaska houses an unfathomable amount of activities to enjoy! Whether you tack on a couple of days or plan for an even longer extension, you’ll be sure to fill your time with unforgettable experiences unlike anywhere else.

This story was created in partnership with Travel Alaska. Feature image by Travel Alaska, @athabascan.adventures

Many summer tours, particularly those focused on wildlife viewing, end their season in late September to mid-October. Please check with tour companies on seasonality when planning your fall vacations and your cruise extensions into Alaska.

Hiking boots in front of an overlook in Alaska
Photo credit: Travel Alaska, @athabascan.adventures

1-3 Days Before or After your Alaska Cruise

Fly into Anchorage a few days early, or extend your stay in Seward once you’ve disembarked for some bonus time on the Kenai Peninsula. If you missed the opportunity to catch any whale sightings during your cruise or just want to enjoy more marine life before their migration south for the winter, consider a day tour on a smaller vessel through Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound.

Orca whale in Prince William Sound
Photo Credit: Chris McLennan

In addition to vibrant wildlife, Alaska boasts a rich human history and Indigenous culture. Several cultural centers, museums, and historical sites in the port cities of Southcentral Alaska offer a deep dive into these traditions. The Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage allows visitors to learn about various Alaska Native cultures and traditions. Appreciate the storytelling and regalia during dance performances and demonstrations by local tribal members.

Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage, Alaska

For those looking to stretch their legs on dry land, consider taking a hike north of Anchorage at Hatcher Pass. Enjoy the changing leaves and crisp fall air as you overlook the Talkeetna Mountains. As an overnight opportunity, you and your family can book one of the quaint red cabins at Hatcher Pass Lodge.

Hatcher Pass, Alaska
Photo Credit: John Kreye

3-5 Days After Your Alaska Cruise

After a long voyage at sea, revel in land-based adventures in some of Alaska’s stunning state and national parks. All within a few hours’ drive of the Kenai Peninsula, these parks offer lodging accommodations, epic hiking trails, guided nature tours, and Indigenous cultural centers. Chugach State Park, the closest in proximity to Anchorage, is known for its ease of access to amazing wildlife sightings and rugged landscapes for all ages to enjoy. Among the many trailheads in the park, you and your family can hike, bike, fish, and horseback ride through the golden hues of fall forests.

Family walking in Chugach State Park
Photo credit: Travel Alaska, Chris Arend

Continue north to experience one of the best views of North America’s tallest peak, Denali, at Denali State Park. This smaller state park adjacent to Denali National Park is not to be missed. Nestled between the Talkeetna and Alaska ranges, you can enjoy hiking, camping, and wildlife viewing. The rolling tundra hillsides in Denali State Park make hiking accessible for all skill levels.

Photo credit: Travel Alaska, Michael DeYoung

For a more off-the-beaten-path experience, head east of Anchorage to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. Start at Copper Center, one of the gateways into the largest national park in the US. Here, you can explore the historic mining town and the Ahtna Cultural Center, which holds artifacts and exhibits about the local Ahtna Athabascan people. There are also campgrounds and lodging options in Copper Center that can serve as a base camp to explore this massive park further.

Canoeing on Willow Lake with evening alpenglow view of Mt. Sanford and Wrangell Mountains
Photo credit: Travel Alaska, Michael DeYoung

5-7 Days Beyond Your Alaska Cruise

Expand your travels beyond the port cities and deeper into the Far North. For a sustainable way to explore the expansive tundra and mountain valleys, consider taking a train from Anchorage to Fairbanks. The city of Fairbanks has many cultural and outdoor activities for travelers to engage in as well as plenty of lodging options if you plan to stay for a few days. To learn more about the cultural heritage specific to the Interior and Arctic Alaska, visit the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center, which showcases and celebrates the local lifestyles and seasonal traditions. As the nights grow longer throughout the fall, the opportunities for viewing the northern lights increase, and Fairbanks is one of the best places to see them! Book a night or several at Borealis Basecamp, where you can take in the night sky from the comfort of your private geodesic igloo.

Northern Lights in Fairbanks, Alaska

Just south of Fairbanks, and also accessible by train, is the world-renowned Denali National Park. Although much of this park isn’t accessible by private vehicles, several bus tours make exploring this impressive landscape possible for all visitors. Enjoy narrated tours by knowledgeable rangers and keep an eye out for grizzly bears as they prepare for hibernation.

Denali National Park, Alaska, grizzly bears on Sable Pass
Photo credit: Travel Alaska, Michael DeYoung

With so many activities to include, it’s worth adding the extra time to fully enjoy all Alaska has to offer in this stunning season!



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